Board Elections Coming Up!

Next meeting (December 8th, 7pm @ Spring Mtn Ranch Clubhouse) we will be holding our annual board elections. If you would like to get involved, now is a great time to engage! Here’s a rundown of CIMBA’s elected positions and descriptions.

The fundamental responsibility of a board of directors is to provide leadership and oversight so CIMBA can reach its goals and achieve its mission. They serve as a fiduciary or legal advisor, providing sound ethical and legal governance and financial management policies.

CIMBA’s board structure has two tiers- Officers and Directors. Detailed job descriptions help define board member responsibilities and give new members the clarity they need to feel comfortable expressing views and collaborating as a team. However, specific responsibilities depend on the organization’s needs at the time.

Officers are voting members with the following responsibilities:

President: Sets board meetings, prepares agendas and leads the discussion. The president would also work most closely with the Executive Director.

Vice President: Responsible for specific assignments from the board president and will assume the role of president when the president isn’t available.

Secretary: Prepares and maintains important records, such as meeting minutes and committee reports. Posts approved minutes to the website and maintains the calendar.

Treasurer: Monitors finances and may work with other board members to develop financial plans for specific projects.

Members and Sponsors: Communicates with members and sponsors. Leads social media efforts, sponsorship programs, membership drives, and fundraising.

Directors are non-voting board members although their input is always sought by the Officers prior to a vote. Each Director has a certain role on the board with responsibilities.

Events: Leads club-wide social events which could include a MTB festival or other community outreach events.

Trails: Leads trail construction and maintenance efforts including planning trailwork days, training, and tools.

Rides: Organizes group rides during the riding season.

Education: Leads children and adult educational programs which includes CIMBA’s scholarship program, mtb skills clinics, or other programs with area schools.

Advocacy: Advocates for recreation, trails, mountain biking and CIMBA with area decision-makers. This might include advocating for new trail opportunities, funding opportunities, or against trail closures.

They’re also tasked with fundraising and advocating for the organization. Other responsibilities might include:

  • Hiring and setting compensation for the Executive Director

  • Adopting policies to address conflicts of interest

  • Strategic planning to shape the organization’s future

  • Improving the organization’s strategic focus and effectiveness

  • Serving on a board of directors is a team sport. It will fall apart without high-caliber, committed individuals. It’s a collective effort and everyone has a vital role to play.

See a role you might fit in? Please reach out if interested - we’d be happy to chat more. Shoot us a message on FB, Instagram, or send an email to and we will be in touch.

Matt Brewster