Brundage to Bear Basin Trail Status

Attention Mountain Bikers, the Brundage to Bear Basin Trail may look like it is finished but it is not open and definitely not ready to ride! We are still asking folks to stay off this trail based on the dry conditions when it was built. PLEASE keep wheeled traffic off this trail until we officially open it. Wheels will destroy our hard work and create ruts that will enhance erosion and drainage issues. If you see tracks on the trail, please don't assume its ok to ride it, all you are doing is damaging the tread and encouraging more folks to follow...we call these sucker tracks!

We are out checking the trail almost weekly and if conditions change CIMBA and the USFS will pull the ribbons and open the trail. In the meantime, If you want a preview feel free to go walk it and check it out just leave your bike at home. Please don't be that person that damages this great new trail before it is ready to ride. We guarantee it will be worth the wait!

Matt Brewster